APPNE (Association of Pakistani Physicians of Northern Europe)

APPNE (Association of Pakistani Physicians of Northern Europe)

1. MedAstra signed an MOU with APPNE to facilitate junior doctors in their UK medical career.

2. MedAstra is the only PLAB 2 / UKMLA training provider endorsed by the senior consultants and GPs working in the UK. 

3. APPNE is the largest organization of Pakistani doctors in the UK.

4. MedAstra will offer up to 15% discount on PLAB 2 courses to APPNE members.

5. If you are an APPNE member and would like to avail a discount, please email us your details including APPNE membership number at [email protected] or leave a message below.

6. For APPNE membership details, click here or contact Dr Nadeem Sajjad Raja on +447766417737. 

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